My brother-in-law Geoff has just given me a gentle reminder that it has been more than a month since I lasted posted on my blog. My apologies. The last six weeks have been somewhat of a rollercoaster ride. The highs were certainly the opening of the Sandra Jones Children's Village and having some of my family and friends there to celebrate with me. It was the most amazing day. We had a huge crowd and our teenagers outdid themselves with their singing and dancing. The afternoon tea was amazing and the cherry on top of the cake (pardon the pun) was the incredible cake my sister Kerri made for the event. You really are an amazing sister Kerri. (More about the opening in the next blog)
Since then however there has been a series of lows which have left me reeling and feeling pretty depleted. Obviously having to say goodbye to the my family and friends was really difficult. When we have to say good-bye in Ziumbabwe it is never for short time and I imagine it will be a good 12 - 18 months before I see them again. Since then we have had to put four of our babies into hospital with a serious bout of vomiting and diarrehea . And then three of them ended up with pneumonia. It has been dreadful watching them all go down so quickly. On top of that one of my dear friends and a strong YFC supporter was viciously attacked on Tuesday night and passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning. And after all that I still have not been able to pay salaries which were due last Monday due to a serious shortage of cash.
Ii was good to be able to share my feelings with my pastor from Australia this morning and as he prayed for me over the phone I was very conscious of the Lord's peace settling over me like a soft,warm blanket. Thanks Daniel!! Your timing was perfect.
If you were to ask me now "what can you do for me" my answer would definitely be "PRAY" ...for our babies, for finances, for the YFC staff and for me personally - for the Lord's protection and strength as we face this onsluaght from satan.
Finally I am reminded of some words of wisidom given to me this morning..."whilst the mountaintop experiences are wonderful, it is in the valley that we truly grow.' So..... I will choose to stay in the valley if it will draw me nearer to Him!!